Salome Zurabishvili: The government, leaders come and go, and the society remains, and if the society is confident and knows what future it wants for its children, it will achieve its goal

28.11.23 18:00

The government, leaders come and go, and the society remains, and if the society is confident in itself, if it knows, in reality, what future it wants for its children, for the next generation, then it will achieve its goal, - President Salome Zurabishvili said in Euroclub, in Kvareli, at the event held within the framework of the "Our Voice for Europe" signature campaign.


According to her, no country stands on its solid foundation without civil involvement.


"In order to achieve our goal, everyone's involvement is needed. The government, leaders come and go, and the society remains, and if the society is confident in itself, if it knows, in reality, what future it wants for its children, for the next generation, then that society will achieve its goal. It starts in every city, village, community. I know the history of Georgia very well. We often ask the question, how did we survive and how did we get to this day? - We survived because every place had its own strength, its own identity, its own self-confidence...


It turns out that there is no library in Kvareli, this is very disturbing. The fact that the local government did not come here today due to various reasons is surprising when such a community came from Tbilisi and respects your initiative. Your initiative is primarily a local initiative, a youth initiative, civic engagement, without which no country stands on its solid foundation. We will stand by you as much as we can", said the President.




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