Giorgi Vashadze: There is readiness from the US for everything, including visas, flights, bringing in technological companies, but we have a government that does not do anything in this direction

28.02.24 13:39

The ambassador's message is very specific – the US is ready for sectoral cooperation, be it direct flights or investments in specific directions. The main thing is for Georgia to take the appropriate steps, - Giorgi Vashadze, chairman of Strategy Builder, told journalists while commenting on the hearing of the US ambassador, Robin Dunnigan, at the meeting of the Foreign Relations Committee.


According to Vashadze, these steps are the change of government and institutional reforms.


"It was emphasized that in addition to the free trade agreement, which Georgia can work on, it is very important to deepen relations in the direction of sectoral cooperation, such as air transport, more trade in different directions, bringing in technological companies. We have these opportunities, but unfortunately, and this is my assessment, Ivanishvili's party does not use them. There is readiness for everything, including visas, flights, bringing in technological companies, but we have a government that does not do anything in this direction. The ambassador's message is that the US is ready to work more with Georgia and deepen economic cooperation in the sectoral direction, which we really need. For this, we have to implement the 9 points and in this way we well get more investment.


There was also talk about an attack on the civilian sector. When you are building a democracy, you should not fight against different opinions, you should listen to them," said Vashadze.




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