Ruling party official: foreign funding has nothing to do with domestic politics

29.02.24 17:20

Rati Ionatamishvili, the Chair of the ruling Georgian Dream party faction in the legislative body, on Thursday stressed that foreign funding had nothing to do with domestic politics.


In his remarks, Ionatamishvili noted that Georgian politics was funded by Georgian taxpayers.


“Those who use foreign funding to carry out their political agenda here [in Georgia] and deliberately mix up the [political] party and the non-governmental organisation, thus prove their low standards, irresponsibility and hostility to democratic processes”, Ionatamishvili said.


Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili on Wednesday stressed that the foreign money had nothing to do with Georgian politics and election campaigns.


In his remarks, Papuashvili once again called on all international donors of the domestic non-governmental organisations and Embassies to pay attention so that not a “single cent” of their money ended up in the domestic political parties’ moneybox.



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