MIA arrests two for property damage in group

16.05.24 17:38

On May 14, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the arrest of two individuals on charges of group damage to property during the rally near the Parliament.


“In response to the ongoing manifestation near the Parliament building, the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted operational measures leading to the arrest of O.O. (born in 2005) and previously convicted S.M. (born in 2001). The offence carries a penalty of up to 6 years of imprisonment.


The investigation determined that on May 14, S.M. and O.O., along with others, intentionally damaged the iron protective barrier near the parliament building, using physical force and an iron object.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs continues its investigative efforts to apprehend other individuals involved. The investigation is conducted under Article 187, Part II, Sub-paragraph “c” of the Criminal Code of Georgia, pertaining to group damage to property,” stated the Ministry of Internal Affairs.




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