Zhou Qian: The draft law "On transparency of foreign influence" is a matter of Georgia's internal policy, and China does not interfere in the internal politics of other countries

17.05.24 14:00

According to the Ambassador of the Republic of China, Zhou Qian, the draft law "On transparency of foreign influence" is a matter of Georgia's internal policy, and China does not interfere in the internal politics of other countries.


The Chinese ambassador announced the above at the press conference held today.


The draft law "On transparency of foreign influence", which was adopted by the Georgia, is completely the internal policy of the country. One of the main principles of China is that it does not interfere in the internal politics of other countries, and I cannot make a specific assessment in this regard. We respect the internal politics of other countries. The fact that we do not interfere in the internal politics of Georgia means that we respect the sovereignty of the country," Zhou Qian said.




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