Sozar Subari: If the US wanted some positive decision, they could have made it last year, including visa liberalization, free trade, flights, as for military aid, it would be good to provide it to those who need it the most

23.05.24 13:00

There will be a committee on May 27, and a plenary session on May 28, where the veto will be overridden and it will happen easily and fairly, People's Power MP Sozar Subari told reporters.


Subari also responded to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's statement that the adoption of the Foreign Influence Transparency Act "will have consequences" and stated that they do not expect any action from the US.


"We are not expecting any measures. If they wanted some positive decision, they could have made it last year, including visa liberalization, free trade, flights, as for military aid, it would be good to provide it to those who need military aid the most at this moment," said Sozar Subari.


To the question whether the ruling majority expects sanctions, Subari answered:


"We do not expect any sanctions, and they cannot scare us with any sanctions when it comes to the fate of the country. We must save Georgia. We must keep the peace. This is the main thing. Without peace, there will be no European Union, no state, and no life. We must preserve Georgia, the state, and we will not allow the Ukrainization of Georgia. We will not allow what is happening in many Ukrainian cities today".




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