Kakha Kaladze: Maybe we are wrong about something and adopt the wrong law. If you are a friend, you should give us a specific argument, explain why transparency is bad

28.05.24 17:48

Both inside the country and outside the country, we have not heard anything about why transparency is bad. We have made a statement many times, maybe we are wrong about something and adopt the wrong law, if you are a friend, you should give us a concrete argument, get into the substantive discussion and explain why transparency is bad, - said the General Secretary of "Georgian Dream", Kakha Kaladze.


According to him, there is a campaign of lies that "the mentioned Georgian law is supposedly Russian".


"Criticism that comes and criticism that is not accompanied by any argument is incomprehensible. We have made many statements that we are ready to enter into a meaningful discussion, even to hold a public controversy, so that all details and information are available to the public. Also, the Prime Minister made a statement several times and called upon the ambassadors to be involved if they wished. However, all this time we have not received any answers, arguments as to why transparency can be bad. It is not clear the pressure that is exerted in connection with the mentioned law. We made statements that the adoption of the draft law on "transparency of foreign influence" is important for our country, in order to strengthen our statehood, sovereignty, for the public to have full information on what the funds received from donor organizations are spent on, which are implemented by non-governmental organizations in the form of various projects. All this should be transparent and available to the public.


Both inside and outside the country, we have not heard anything about why transparency is bad. We have made a statement many times, maybe we are wrong about something and adopt the wrong law, if you are a friend, should you give us a specific argument, go into the substantive discussion and explain to us why transparency is bad, or which article contradicts human rights, or which article contradicts that non-governmental organizations will not be able to fulfill their duties after the adoption of this law. There is simply no argument. There is a campaign of simple lies involved, that the mentioned Georgian law is supposedly Russian, but no one can answer that why it is Russian. One of the main arguments they have and the answer we heard yesterday was - because. It is simply unimaginable that we have to work in such a reality", said Kaladze.



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