Archil Talakvadze: Bringing all opposition parties into one group, forming a front, a camp, contradicts the principles of European democracy- this is once again an attempt to take the choice away from the citizens

12.06.24 13:29

Bringing all opposition parties into one group, forming a front, a camp, contradicts the principles of European democracy - this is once again an attempt to take the choice away from the citizens, Georgian Dream MP Archil Talakvadze said in connection with yesterday's messages of the President.


According to him, uniting the radical opposition in one group is a move against the European political culture.


"Unification of the radical opposition in one group, which will no longer have a different program, will no longer be led by different leaders, probably will choose the same number, of course, is a move against the European political culture. The reforms that Georgia has carried out in recent years imply that citizens have more choices, including that the opposition can propose new programs and new leaders. The message and the direction that Mrs. Zurabishvili offers to the society is contrary to the principles of European democracy. This is yet another attempt to take the choice away from the citizens. I don't know whether the parties will agree to this," said Talakvadze.


For information, the President said at the meeting with the youth that in the upcoming elections it is not time for the parties to "hold some kind of competition and present their programs to the voters".


"This election will not be an ordinary election. It will be a choice, so no one should think that they will sit down in any seat and not get up from there. The rest, how the parties will go to the elections, is up to them. I hope they will make reasonable decisions," she said.




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