Beka Liluashvili: We will not attend the delivery of the report of the Prime Minister who simply copied the government's program from the previous Prime Minister’s program

24.06.24 12:18

We will not attend the delivery of the report of the Prime Minister who simply copied the government's program from the previous Prime Minister’s program - especially a report of the Prime Minister who can't believe himself that he is the Prime Minister, - Beka Liluashvili, a deputy of Gakharia for Georgia, told reporters.


According to Liluashvili, after the appointment of Irakli Kobakhidze as Prime Minister, relations with all strategic and non-strategic partners are at an unprecedentedly difficult level.


"We will not attend the delivery of the report of the Prime Minister who simply copied the government's program from the previous Prime Minister’s program. He could not even reflect his content and offer anything new to the public. We will not attend especially a report of the Prime Minister who can't believe himself that he is the Prime Minister.


After the appointment of Kobakhidze, in fact, relations with all our strategic and non-strategic partners are at an unprecedentedly difficult level; Members of the authorities and their supporters within the country are sanctioned by our strategic partners; The country's international economic situation has worsened, concrete assessments of which exist in the form of results, and there is an unprecedented deterioration of the investment environment in the country. Can one evaluate this situation from a positional point?” - said Beka Liluashvili.


For information, the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, will present the annual report of the government at the plenary session of the Parliament of Georgia on June 28.




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