In Strasbourg, the summer session week of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is taking place, in which Ketevan Turazashvili is participating

25.06.24 11:30

In Strasbourg, the summer session week of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is taking place, in which Ketevan Turazashvili, one of the leaders of "Citizens", is participating. The press service of the "Citizens" party disseminates the information about this.


According to their reports, in the current week, the Parliamentary Assembly is scheduled to hold several debates and resolutions on various current issues, including the challenges of democracy in Georgia, in the context of recent developments. Also, human rights violations in Ukraine as a result of Russian aggression are among the issues to be discussed.


"The session week of June is also important in that this week the assembly will elect the general secretary, MP Ketevan Turazashvili is holding active meetings with the candidates put forward for this position.


It is also significant that before the June session, the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly made a decision to monitor the 2024 parliamentary elections in Georgia, for which a temporary committee was created," the information states.




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