Finnish Foreign Minister: We are open to the measures that are directed specifically at the government of Georgia and not at the population of Georgia

24.06.24 11:20

We will pay special attention to the situation in Georgia, where we condemn the government's decision to refuse further integration into the European Union, the rule of law, open society and democracy, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen told journalists in Luxembourg before the start of the EU Foreign Affairs Council.


According to her, this will be the first thorough discussion of the issue of Georgia at the level of the Foreign Affairs Council.


"Our message is loud and clear, we support the Georgian people on their way to democracy, independence, rule of law and human rights, which they deserve and for which they ask their government to open the door," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland.


According to her, against the backdrop of the Georgian government taking steps against the will of its own people, the European Union is discussing what measures can be taken.


"There are measures that we can do, for example, to make it more difficult for Georgian officials to travel to Europe," said the head of the Finnish Foreign Ministry.


Asked whether this might mean sanctions, Elina Valtonen replied that "it might mean sanctions or all kinds of measures that we can take. We are open to those measures that are directed specifically at the government of Georgia and not at the population of Georgia."




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