Irakli Kobakhidze: China is one of the most important trade partners for the EU and the US

21.06.24 11:00

China is one of the main trade partners for the European Union and the United States of America; When in such conditions we hear criticism of the deepening of economic relations between Georgia and China, it is a double standard, - Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze said in Berlin in response to a journalist's question.


Irakli Kobakhidze noted that such a double standard is absolutely unacceptable.


"As for the US ambassador, I would like to once again express my respect to her personally and hope that she will make a positive contribution to the improvement of Georgian-American relations.


As for the topic of China in general, I think that there is an absolutely unfair attitude on the part of specific partner countries. In fact, everyone knows that China is one of the most important trade partners for the European Union and the United States of America. When we hear Georgia's criticism for deepening economic relations with China, it is a double standard, and for us such a double standard is absolutely unacceptable. An important and necessary condition for healthy relationships is justice, fair evaluations. Unfortunately, we often hear unfair assessments regarding the steps taken by our state. These steps serve the national interests of our country, and therefore, naturally, we will continue to act in the relevant direction in the future. Double standards and injustice are counterproductive for the improvement of relations between us and our partner countries," said Irakli Kobakhidze.




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