Grigol Liluashvili: The "global war party" has no geography - the role of all those actors who are interested in disrupting a peaceful country on the right track will be investigated

13.06.24 10:36

Grigol Liluashvili, the head of the State Security Service, talked about the so-called global war party and explained what the term means.


As Liluashvili explained for journalists, it is not a specific party, but political subjects, whose rhetoric creates tension and tries to create a second front.


According to him, the "global war party" has no geography.


"In my opinion, this is a question of interpretations. The party may not even be physically registered. "Global war party" was formed from a political term. Probably, this includes all those political entities whose rhetoric envisages the emergence of foci of tension, the opening of a second front... We have seen such damaging statements both last year and this year. Perhaps it is a combination all this. Tee party does not have geography...


They are not the representatives of the partners, they are specific political persons, interest groups, which are partners of each other on a political basis. The role and participation of all those actors who are interested in disrupting a peaceful, pacified country on the right track will be investigated," Liluashvili said.


To the question of who is waging a hybrid war, about which statements have often been made, but it is not known to the public who is behind it, Liluashvili answered that the discussion on the mentioned issue is taking place in a closed format and the people present there know what forces they are.

"We are talking in a closed format, where the deputies present understood what forces we were talking about," said Liluashvili.




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