Geostat: in January-May 2024, the foreign trade turnover with goods in Georgia amounted to 8 419.9 million US dollars, which is 2.3% less than the previous year

13.06.24 13:42

In January-May 2024, foreign trade turnover with goods in Georgia (without undeclared trade) was 8,419.9 million. amounted to US dollars, which is 2.3 percent less than the corresponding indicator of the previous year, the National Statistics Service reports.


According to their reports, out of this, export 2 274.0 mln. USD was (decreased by 9.2 percent), and imports were 6 145.9 million. USD (increased by 0.5 percent).


"The negative trade balance in January-May 2024 amounted to 3,872.0 million. USD amounted to 46.0 percent of the foreign trade turnover", - it is noted in the information.




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