Kakha Kaladze - Salome Zurabishvili is the first radical in the country based on her actions and statements

13.06.24 15:36

Based on her actions and statements today, Salome Zurabishvili is the first radical in the country, - General Secretary of "Georgian Dream", Mayor of Tbilisi, Kakha Kaladze said about this while talking to journalists.


According to him, the president of Georgia is also "a representative of the radical group that is represented in the country today as an opposition".


He also responded to the statement of the opposition MP Gubaz Sanikidze regarding the police and said that "this is also a part of the radicalism that we have been seeing in recent years".


"This fascism has intensified in recent months, but of course radicalism and the fascist actions we see today will always be doomed to failure. They will always be given an appropriate response from our society and these people will always be where they are today. We know where they are today - Gvaramia talks about it, what they represent about it, Sanikidze himself talks and makes good assessments," said Kaladze.


For information, the opposition member of parliament, Gubaz Sanikidze, said that the police is waiting for a big reform. According to him, the police is distinguished by political bias and the policemen will be punished by the next government.


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