Petre Tsiskarishvili - the fact that accession negotiations cannot and will not be opened is already a kind of sanction that "Georgian Dream" has prescribed for the country

13.06.24 17:25

It is not important for us who will be incorporated. The country needs to survive. The fact that the negotiations regarding the accession cannot and will not be opened is already a kind of sanction that the "Georgian Dream" has prescribed for the country, said the General Secretary of the "United National Movement", Petre Tsiskarishvili.


"The fear that the representatives of "Dream" have towards Bidzina Ivanishvili is much greater than the discomfort they may receive and create from individual sanctions. Therefore, it is not important for us, personally, who will be established, how and whose travel will be restricted. The country must survive. In their hands, the country will ultimately be sanctioned, and the fact that we will not be able to move to the next stage of European integration, and the negotiations regarding the accession will not be opened, is already a kind of sanction that "Georgian Dream" has prescribed for our country. "Elections are at our door, we have to change the regime, let it go to the homes, and then the new democratic, coalition, pro-Western government will bring Georgia closer to the European Union in an accelerated manner," said Petre Tsiskarishvili.


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