Based on Strasbourg Court decision, Special Investigation Service arrests law enforcement officer for ill-treatment

14.06.24 12:09

Based on the decision of the Strasbourg Court, the Special Investigation Service arrested a law enforcement officer on charges of ill-treatment.


According to the Special Investigation Service, the case concerns the ill-treatment of citizen Vladimir Mchedlishvili in the police administrative building.


"Based on the re-investigation conducted by the Special Investigation Service and the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, the inspector-investigator of the Sighnaghi District Division of the Kakheti Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been arrested on the fact of ill-treatment of citizen Vladimir Mchedlishvili in the police administrative building.


The investigation established that on May 15, 2017, in the area of ​​the marriage house in the city of Sighnaghi, victim Vladimer Mchedlishvili was drinking alcoholic beverages with his companions. At that time, the employees of Sighnaghi District Division came to him. One of the policemen - G. N. urged him to stop drinking alcohol in public, which resulted in an argument between them. Police officers arrested Mchedlishvili and took him to the administrative building of Sighnaghi Police Division, where inspector-investigator G. N. hit the detainee with his fists and legs in and abused him verbally. As a result of the violence, the detainee was diagnosed with broken ribs and multiple other injuries.


The investigation into the incident started in 2017. At the same time, the victim applied to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to protect his rights. The Court found the violation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (prohibition of torture/ill-treatment) against the victim. After this decision, Georgia was obliged to conduct a re-investigation.


The Special Investigation Service took over the case in 2024 and ensured a re-investigation. As part of the renewed investigation, together with the evidence already obtained in the case, the Service ensured the establishment of new circumstances, for which purpose forensic and habitoscopic examinations were conducted, eyewitnesses of the fact were searched and documents relevant to the case were seized.


Accordingly, as a result of the investigation and obtained evidence, based on the court ruling, the Special Investigation Service arrested the inspector-investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, G. N., who left the police ranks in 2021, for violently exceeding his official authority”, reads the statement released by the agency.




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