Beka Odisharia: A runner with the instinct of a newly decapitated chicken called me a "slave of Russia" yesterday – this  person, of course, was financed

14.06.24 14:44

As soon as he called me a "slave of Russia", I told him one Russian word, which he is the embodiment of. Let no one tell me that I have an obligation to be patient. Where is it written that I have the obligation to be patient when they call me a slave? - Georgian Dream MP Beka Odisharia said when responding to yesterday's incident when he was insulted in the supermarket.


According to Odisharia, that person was financed.


"Yesterday, I was in a supermarket not far from my house, when I heard some indistinct noise in the distance, I turned around and saw fake Domenico Mango. A runner with the instinct of a newly decapitated chicken called out to me to ask if I was Beka Odisharia, which I was happy to confirm. Then he said only this phrase: "You are a signatory to the Russian law".


I didn't want to have a conflict or quarrel with anyone. In general, we beg for someone to come and ask us what is written in this 6-page law [“On Transparency of Foreign Influence”], What did these six pages change? Perhaps our LGBT-related activities have irritated too many lobbyists, both inside and outside.


Of course, I am not a signatory to the "Russian Law". There is no Russian law in nature - there is a Georgian law”, said the MP.


For information, a video was circulated on the social network yesterday, where a citizen called Beka Odisharia a "slave" and "Russian" in a supermarket.




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