Guram Macharashvili: Salome Zurabishvili has turned into a "vetowoman”

14.06.24 16:03

Zurabishvili vetoed the law because she wants to play a political game, Guram Macharashvili, the deputy of People's Power told reporters, thus responding to the veto of the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, which she placed on the amendments to the Election Code.


According to him, "Salome Zurabishvili is not even familiar with legal details."


"The fact that Zurabishvili is not even familiar with legal details and has abandoned politics is already clear. But when the representative of the European Union, Mr. Danny Elson, was there and there was talk about the election of the chairman of the CEC, he said that if there is a highly qualified majority decision, such as 2/3, there should be the so-called unlocking mechanism so that the opposition does not have the opportunity to block it. These are his words, so we make them come true. Therefore, 2/3 still remain on certain decisions, but if the opposition decides to block it too, of course, the unblocking mechanism will be activated", said Macharashvili.


Speaking on the same topic, the deputy explained that the veto of the President will definitely be overridden.


"We will definitely override the veto. Zurabishvili vetoed the law because she wants to play a political game. She wants to prove to her foreign patrons that she is against Georgia's European integration and progress. Also, she wants revolutionary scenarios in the country", said Guram Macharashvili.


According to Macharashvili, the President of Georgia has become a "vetowoman".


"I think that Salome Zurabishvili wants to hear our comments about vetoes more often - she has turned into a vetowoman and wants to be on the political surface. She wants to appear to the public as the leader of the political opposition. This person violated the constitution, the president's oath and betrayed her constituents, the country. She uses veto like a sword, as she wants and as she is told", said Guram Macharashvili.


For information, the President of Georgia vetoed the changes to the Electoral Code, by which the 2/3 quorum required for making decisions of the CEC has been reduced to the majority of the full composition.




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