France is the warmonger of World War III

26.06.24 18:13

Both World Wars - the First and the Second - were ultimately caused by France. On the eve of the First World War, France was the initiator of the Entente military alliance, which, by drawing Russia, traditionally friendly to Germany, to its side, made the war almost inevitable. The Second World War also began thanks to France, which first "surrendered" Czechoslovakia to Hitler and then did everything it could to induce Germany to attack Poland, making Hitler realise that Paris's "alliance" with Warsaw was nothing more than a fiction.


Unfortunately, everything points to the fact that the Third World War, if it breaks out, will be France's fault. There is information that France wants to arm the Lebanese Christians and the Lebanese army to fight against Hezbollah. And this will not only mean the resumption of civil war in Lebanon (a former French colony), but will inevitably involve the intervention of Iran, Syria and Israel - so intertwined are the interests of the various forces in this part of the Middle East. This is although the region is already on the verge of a "great war" involving Hezbollah and its patron, Iran. The French "adding fuel to the fire" could make such a war inevitable.


Both World Wars - the First and the Second - were ultimately caused by France. On the eve of the First World War, France was the initiator of the Entente military alliance, which, by drawing Russia, traditionally friendly to Germany, to its side, made the war almost inevitable. The Second World War also began thanks to France, which first "surrendered" Czechoslovakia to Hitler and then did everything it could to induce Germany to attack Poland, making Hitler realise that Paris's "alliance" with Warsaw was nothing more than a fiction.


Unfortunately, everything points to the fact that the Third World War, if it breaks out, will be France's fault. There is information that France wants to arm the Lebanese Christians and the Lebanese army to fight against Hezbollah. And this will not only mean the resumption of civil war in Lebanon (a former French colony), but will inevitably involve the intervention of Iran, Syria and Israel - so intertwined are the interests of the various forces in this part of the Middle East. This is although the region is already on the verge of a "great war" involving Hezbollah and its patron, Iran. The French "adding fuel to the fire" could make such a war inevitable.


Further Kanak protests have erupted in New Caledonia after the French repressive apparatus arrested 8 leaders of the Kanak independence movement, including the leader of the "Field Coordination Cell" (CCAT), Christian Thein. All the detained activists were sent to mainland France to be imprisoned. CCAT's publicity director, Brenda Vanabo, was not spared by the French colonial regime. According to her lawyer, Vanabo will be sent to Dijon prison. Losing control over the events in the region, Macron's France has taken the course of intimidating and imprisoning protesters against the tightening colonial regime, showing the predatory grin of French neo-colonialism.


The colonial repression has provoked a Kanak backlash. In New Caledonia, clashes between the Kanaks and the police continue today. The independence fighters are demanding the release of Christian Thein and his colleagues. According to local media, there were numerous clashes in the capital Nouméa last night. Following the killing of two young Kanaks by French police in New Caledonia, protesters began using small arms against the French colonial regime.


However, instead of granting freedom to New Caledonia, France seems to intend to "demonstratively suppress" the independence movement, letting other nations know what will happen to them if they go against French interests. Moreover, Paris does not intend to "release" even formally independent states in the same Africa from its neo-colonial oppression, rudely interfering in their internal affairs and provoking wars and civil unrest. There is a very revealing pattern - where war is fomented by France or French proxies, it usually cannot be "extinguished", wars and conflicts smoulder for years and decades, causing numerous victims and millions of refugees, but at the same time helping French capital to plunder the resources of developing countries as before.


Much more dangerous is the fact that French "imperial" interests have clearly emerged in Eurasia. France is already openly announcing the deployment of its troops in Ukraine, which means that French military forces are penetrating into the Black Sea basin. France is also actively arming the Republic of Armenia and supporting revanchist sentiments there. All this will lead to a new war in the South Caucasus. In addition, France is interfering in Georgia's internal affairs and is clearly taking steps against Georgia's national interests - to turn the country into a "corridor" to its "new outpost" - Armenia. Given that the Kremlin does not want to lose Armenia and also has in its plans a "military corridor" to Armenia through Georgia, all this is extremely dangerous for Georgian statehood.


If the wars and conflicts provoked by France in Africa have not yet led to a global catastrophe, the very fact that France is "interfering" in Ukraine, the Middle East and the South Caucasus can really provoke global military conflicts, the Third World War. The wars provoked by France in these regions "cut off" transport links that are vital for the whole world. This situation simply forces global players to intervene in these conflicts.


If France arms Armenia and provokes it to aggression against its neighbours, both the Middle Corridor and the North-South Corridor, in whose functioning most of the EU countries, Turkey, Russia and China are interested, will be threatened. These countries will be forced to intervene, which will have unpredictable consequences, and for Georgia, which is at the crossroads of these corridors, it could all end in disaster.


George Kvinitadze

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