Parliamentary majority leader speaks of attempts to have agents not friends in the Georgian gov't

26.06.24 15:51

“There are attempts that agents but not friends represent the Georgian government. However, the Georgian people will not admit that,” said Mamuka Midnaradze, leader of the parliamentary majority.


According to Mdinaradze, political attacks will keep on before elections.


“We will have such agenda and political attacks before elections, but the Georgian people will not admit their country be represented by agents instead of those trying to fulfil the Constitutional reservations – peace, democracy, and European way instead of a war – with dignity, by standing firm.


As soon as they come to power, they will attempt to drag the country into the war, leading it to collapse. Neither the government nor the people will admit that. Attacks will keep on. Several months ahead, they started speaking about the legitimization of elections when the elections will be held electronically, and no faults were found with the elections last time in terms of democracy,” he said.




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