Cindy Dyer: We are tracking the impacts of the foreign agent law in Georgia

26.06.24 10:24

The United States of America is monitoring the results of the Foreign Agents law adopted by the Government of Georgia, said Cindy Dyer, the representative of the US State Department on human trafficking issues, while presenting the US Department of State report on trafficking in persons.


"With regard to Georgia, we certainly were concerned by the passage of the foreign agent law. At this point we are tracking it. Sometimes at the TIP office we note that a country might pass a law during the reporting period, and we might be concerned, but the impacts of that law or the effects of that law we don’t see until the next year. So certainly this is something that we’ll be monitoring to make sure that the NGOs that are providing such critical services and the civil society organizations that we rely on, if they begin to have trouble operating, then this is something that we would certainly be tracking as sort of the results of any laws that are passed",- said Cindy Dyer.




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