European Council calls on Georgia’s authorities to reverse current course of action which jeopardises Georgia’s EU path

28.06.24 11:18

The European Council expresses its serious concern regarding recent developments in Georgia. In particular, the law adopted on transparency of foreign influence represents backsliding on the steps set out in the Commission’s recommendation for candidate status, - reads the conclusions issued after the summit of the European Council.


“The European Council calls on Georgia’s authorities to clarify their intentions by reversing the current course of action which jeopardises Georgia’s EU path, de facto leading to a halt of the accession process.


The European Council calls for an end to the increasing acts of intimidation, threats and physical assaults against civil society representatives, political leaders, civil activists and journalists in Georgia. It recalls that respect for the values and principles upon which the European Union is founded is essential for any country aspiring to become a member.


The European Council calls on Georgian authorities to ensure that the parliamentary elections this autumn are free and fair and encourages substantial long-term and short-term election observation by partners. It will continue to closely monitor the situation.


The European Council reaffirms its unwavering support for the territorial integrity of Georgia. It reiterates its steadfast solidarity with the Georgian people and its readiness to continue supporting Georgians on their path towards a European future”, reads the conclusions.




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